Pregna Sense

Pregna Sense supplements are part of our More Than Vegan™ range of products. Not only are they absolutely Vegan, they also contain no unnecessary non-active ingredients. So whether you’re trying for a baby, already pregnant or breastfeeding, you have the security that your body is stocking up on the most essential vitamins and minerals during this exciting time. Pregna Sense – because you want the best for you and your baby!


Anaemia can be a problem during pregnancy regardless of diet because the developing foetus will draw on the mother’s iron stores to create stores of its own, required for the healthy formation of red blood cells. Also, maternal blood volume increases by 50%, therefore iron is needed in larger amounts, particularly in the later stages. Eat foods rich in iron such as dark green leafy vegetables, dried beans and legumes and dried fruits. If you are a meat-eater you will find it easier to keep your iron levels topped up as “haem iron” (iron from blood in red meat) is absorbed much better than vegetable iron.